Use "lapillus|lapilli" in a sentence

1. Alfresco Lapilli Carved Top Cocktail Table

2. Accretionary and cored lapilli in the tuffs and pillows in the lavas suggest emplacement in a shallow marine environment.

3. Subaerial Basaltic flows and breccia and submarine Basaltic breccia, pillow lavas, lapilli and augite-rich tuff with interbeds of Basaltic sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate

4. The volcano belched a column of gas, magma, and debris that darkened the sky and caused a terrible rain of ash and lapilli (small pieces of lava).

5. Scoria may form as part of a lava flow, typically near its surface, or as fragmental ejecta (lapilli, blocks and bombs), for instance in Strombolian eruptions that form steep-sided scoria cones.

6. Small pieces of material ejected by a volcano ranging in size from about 2 and 64 mm across. Well-rounded particles called accretionary lapilli can be formed by ash that sticks together in a tephra plume, owing to moisture or electrostatic forces.

7. A variety of volcaniclastic facies are recognized on the basis of bed geometry, sedimentary structures, and textural characteristics, and include: thinly bedded tuffs and lapillistones that were deposited by fallout from vertical ash columns (some tuffs contain accretionary lapilli and hence originated from subaerial eruption columns); pillow talus deposits (hyaloclastites) resulting from the rapid quenching of lava in water; volcaniclastic turbidites representing relatively deep-water resedimented tephra; and a single massive pyroclastic flow that was emplaced during a single depositional event, and may have been derived from a Plinian eruption or series of Surtseyan eruptions.